Saturday, August 29, 2009

IM Report Card - Internet Marketing Reviews and Discussion

Here is a new, exciting, and very very EASY and FREE way to make money online! The place is IM Report Card! So what IS IM Report Card? Straight from the horses mouth they're mission is to "catalogue, review and discuss every single popular Internet marketing related product, service, person or "guru", and biz-opp."

Unlike other bogus "review" sites run by money-hungry affiliates
who'll say anything to make a buck, we provide unbiased reviews and let our community decide the merits of a product or service by grading it and sharing their own experiences.

You can also ask questions about a product you're interested in, rate products, add your own comments and share your own experiences - and help others in the process.

IMRC is a community of like-minded people looking to make money online, who are sick of all the scams out there, and who help each other out along the way.

You can be a part of this community to help rate and review products, biz opps, people, and services and give people the real scoop on if a business is a scam or not...and get PAID doing it!

Here is the earning breakdown!

Each 100 Credits = $1.00.

The minimum payout is 2000 credits ($20.00) which is fairly easy to obtain!

If you:

Rate another users' comment it = 1 Credit
Rate an IM Report Card Review it = 5 Credits
Grade a Product, Service, Person or Biz-Opp it = 10 Credits
Add your own comment to any review it = 50/100/150 Credits + *Bonus*
Suggest a new product, service, etc. for review it = 75 Credits
Refer another user to IM Report Card Whatever THEY earn!

Keep In Mind:

It is not a good idea to spam this website though. You can't just go clicking around. You first have to make a comment on what of the plethora of business, people, or services they have listed there. Then you may grade, and rate the reviews and other's comments. But be sure to wait at least ten seconds before rating, otherwise you'll get a slow down error message. Also comments should be about your personal experiences with a specific product, service, biz opp, or person. If you make ten comments that are not relevant to the review, then you will get booted.

Other than that this site has been absolutely GREAT and payout is easy! I'm loving how easy it is to earn free money with this site! AND you get a wealth of information about services and products you may have been contemplating in the meantime! If you'd like to sign up with
IM Report Card? then just click the banner below and you'll be on your way to making free easy money!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Hop Up Out the Bed...Get My SWAG ON!!!

I am so loving SwagBucks! Yup I'm still Swagging it up. I recently won two SwagBucks from a Swag Code AND I won Three SwagBucks from searching! See for yourslef below!

And they have made obtaining SwagCodes a bit easier by providing members with the Swag Swidget! The Swidget lets you know if there is a current swag code available and where you can find it! Sometimes in the Swag Code area, they will just have one posted, as the one I used today! On the right is the Swidget!

I'm now up to 260 SwagBucks. I think that I'm going to just keep accumulating until I can get a really fabulous prize! If you'd like to sign up for SwagBucks then click the banner below! It is COMPLETELY FREE and easy! Go on and earn you some free prizes!

Search & Win

Thursday, August 13, 2009

CashCrate is the Place to Be!

So as a part of my money making ventures I've joined CashCrate, a GPT site, to make a lil extra cash for odds and ends here and there. Now GPT stands for Get Paid To. GPT sites you can sign up at, complete offers, and earn cash and prizes. The main goal with GPT sites are to make some extra money. For that I have to say that CashCrate is probably THE BEST and probably the most well known GPT. I've already received one payment from CashCrate! And the news gets better!

CashCrate has updated and now offers CashCrate Pro for all of is Silver members. You reach Silver status when you have 50 active referrals! I have yet to reach that status as I've pretty much just started...but it is definitely a goal of mine. I think the new changes on CashCrate is exciting and cannot wait to be able to make use of the new features. One thing I can make use of NOW is the new customized banners they offer!

So if you are looking for a way to make some extra cash...join CashCrate. The money is easy to obtain and trust me when I say it adds up quick. I would love it if you signed up under me. If anyone decides to give it go then follow the banner below!

If you sign up under me please LET ME KNOW! That way I can share all the secrets with you that will help you maximize your earnings! I want to help you succeed! Many of the secrets and tips I had to learn on my own but you don't have to! If you sign up and need help feel free to email me at


An eBay Success!

So since I'm using this blog to chronicle my success making money I'm inclined to share a recent eBay sell that I've completed. A week ago I posted some old Ministry CD's that I had laying around the house. I had no intentions on listening to these CD's again, so I decided to post them to eBay to see what I could get for them. Now if you want to get started selling on eBay, I suggest that you start with items you have around your house to give it a test run and see if you'll like it. Anyways I posted the Pastor Benny Hinn Ministry CD's on eBay and they sold for $31.50! See the pic below!
I had no idea they would sell for that much. So here is some advice if you'd like to try eBay...ministry CD's and tapes seem to be a popular item. So if you find some cheap at a thrift store, or have some you don't use anymore...put them up on eBay and see what you can get. eBay can be an excellent source of income, but you have to do your research and put some work into it. Not everything will sell well and you will have trial and error at first. But if you're looking to make extra dough it's a very viable option. Some people even make their living selling on eBay. You can check out my eBay profile here:**.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Self Sufficient Journey!

Well this is my first post here at my new blog. I set this blog up for the sole purpose of chronicaling my money making journey. I was recently unemployed and had pretty much decided that I was done with corporate America. I have no desire nor inclination to join the rat race again. I would rather figure out ways to make money doing things I enjoy minus the headaches and aggravation of an office and a cubicle.

Who knows, maybe in the future I'll change my mind and give it another go...but for now...I just don't have the patience nor the motivation. I am however excited about exploring different and new avenues of making money. So follow me here as I explore ways to make money. As I share what works and what doesn't. maybe we can grow and learn about this together. For those trying to blaze their own trail as well...good luck to you! Hear is to happiness, fulfillment, and making that SCRILLA baby!

With that said I want to share one way I've learned to gain free prizes and giftcards. Giftcards are as good as cash and this place is AWESOME and FREE! If you haven't heard of SwagBucks then its time you crawled up outta that rock you've been hiding under! SwagBucks is a FREE...yes FREE site you can sign up with to earn free prizes! All you have to do is sign up for an account and use their search engine when you need to search. Now all of their results are pulled from google and so it would be just as if you were searching with one of those search engines. From searching you will randomly be awarded SwagBucks! I just won a couple...check the pick below:

See! It's as simple as that! SwagBucks also has frequent Swag hunts so you can earn even more bucks and they give out a free five bucks to a member every hour! Right now I've accumulated 245 Swagbucks! I have no idea what I want so I'm just going to keep accumulating them until I figure it out. If you'd like to sign up just click the banner below! Happy Swagging!

Search & Win

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